Spirit + Bones

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Self Love Facial Toner

Self Love.

This is something we could all use more of! This is one of the first spells I ever made as a baby witch, but it has stuck with me because it works so well. With valentine’s day right around the corner, this if perfect to bring a little extra love your way!

I’ve included a page for your grimoire on how to make this potion, its pretty simple and can be used daily. I will also suggest some positive affirmations to use along with this for maximum effectiveness. Scroll down to read the spell, and to find out how to use this wonderful tool!

Self Love Toner
Planetary Correspondences: Venus, Sun | Elemental Correspondences: Water | Astrology Relationship: Taurus |

Parts used:
Rose Petals, Calendula, Chamomile, Witch Hazel

This is best used daily as a skin toner after washing your face, to help tighten and close your pores. The Rose helps soften your skin and bring radiance. The Calendula reduces inflammation and redness. Chamomile helps to brighten and tighten your skin. Witch Hazel clarifies and tones your skin. When used this will help to promote self love & care as well as to help boost your self esteem.

Ritual Process:
Collect your ingredients plus a grinder and jar. Light incense and focus your mind. Be sure to push out any negative emotions or self doubt. Once you feel centered and grounded, prepare your supplies. Add equal parts rose, calendula, and chamomile to a grinder or mortar and pestle. The smaller you can grind your materials the more surface area there is for space to be absorbed, however keep in mind that fine particles are difficult to strain.

Add the ground supplies to a jar, you want the materials to fill the jar about half way. Top off the rest of the jar with witch hazel and close tightly. Store in a dark place, shaking daily for about a month.

After your liquid has turned a light red, strain your fluid with a coarse cloth at first, then with a find cotton cloth. Allow this fluid to settle over night, and then pour off the clear liquid into your storage jar. Once bottled this is read to be used.

You can charge this fluid with whatever intentions you feel appropriate. Apply this after cleansing your face daily, with a cotton swab. While you are doing so, make eye contact with yourself in the mirror. Smile, and say positive affirmations that feel appropriate for yourself.

I find that a lot of these can feel awkward or hokey at first. The more often you do this, the easier it will become. Allow yourself to settle into the uncomfortable feeling of directly giving yourself love.

Here are some affirmations that help me:

  • Hello, Gorgeous! You are so worthy of love!

  • I am powerful. I am capable. I am worthy.

  • I am perfectly capable of loving myself at this moment.

  • As I apply this, my love for myself grows deeper.

  • I am human, and I am actively working towards being better.

These are just some examples, I would love to hear what affirmations help you! Let me know if you try this. Its one of my favorites.

Many Blessings!